Popping up at Portobello Road, London

Portobello Road is renowned for so many brilliant things; Paddington Bear, Julia Roberts declaring her love for Hugh Grant in Notting Hill, and… Mycle! Us, and our full range of e-bikes and scooters, moved in amongst the hustle and bustle, and set up a shop at 199 Portobello Road in August.

The store was brimming with products to test ride, store-exclusive accessories, and our Spin the Wheel game, giving customers a chance to win vouchers and other fab goodies!

Our Compact, Classic and Climber bikes all offer you the opportunity to travel fossil fuel free whilst getting you smoothly from A to B (and likely C too, you’ll be having so much fun). Or, if you prefer smaller wheels with just as much oomph, you’ll love our newly released, foldable e-scooters; Cruiser Lite, CruiserCruiser Pro and Cruiser Pro X are made with different motors to ensure a tailored experience for each customer. 


mycle electric bike and scooter store

*Electric scooters cannot be used on public roads or pavements. They can only be ridden on private property with the land owners permission.*